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Our collections arrange our books depending on their theme or their form, sometimes very different from each other, but always with a common goal: that you enjoy them.

Growing up books


These illustrated albums can be read to little kids, but they have a double meaning when you read them as an adult. These books are for grown-ups who are still little kids.

cubierta del libro La mujer esqueleto
Cubierta del libro El ratón que quería un palacio
Cubierta del libro El rey solito
Cubierta del libro El más fuerte
Cubierta del libro Paporco
cartel al premio 2021 a los libros mejor editados de España
Cubierta del libro La verdadera historia de la rata que nunca quiso ser presumida
2nd Edition
portada_ IslaElefante.jpg

Ancient tales  

These are books that hang on to the voice of those who never had one, the voice of our grandmothers and grandfathers. Books that rescue traditional tales from the silence, the stories that were heard on nights without television.

2nd Edition
Cubierta del libro Cuentos antiguos de Gran Canaria
Cubierta del libro Cuentos noruegos
Cubierta del libro Cuentos prohibidos noruegos
Cubierta del libro La novia del mar y otros cuentos de las tribus árabes
cubierta del libro LA BELLA DE LA TIERRA
3rd Edition
Cubierta letras azules.png

Illustrated ancient tales  

This collection accompanies the Ancient Tales, adding beautiful illustrations to the tales that we like the most. They are books that keep the voice of those who never had one, books that rescue traditional stories from silence and bring them to the present day filled with images and colour.

Cubierta del libro Ceniciento



As good "bad companies", we are capricious, and sometimes we feel like making books that are not easy to put on shelves because they do not have a book format, or because they are books with photographs, or because they propose literary or love games... These texts that flee formats and classifications will be in this collection of cravings. 

Cubierta del libro Estación invierno
portada prensa.jpg

Black Series


In this series, we will not publish a noir novel, but our work on the recovery of oral memory in black communities. We want to offer in our books a rich African oral literature. But, as Africa is more than a continent, we will also publish stories of black Colombians from Chocó, of blacks from Mexico, from Paraguay... With the sale of the books in this collection we support a charity project in the area.

2nd Edition
Cubierta del libro El dragón que se comió el sol
Cubierta del libro Los cuentos del conejo
Cover of the book Los cuentos del erizo
Cubierta del libro El libro de la selva de los pigmeos baka

Mini black series

Books that claim to be more than just books.


This collection is the little sister of the Black series. Here we will select 7 wonderful stories among all those we have published and we will make an illustrated book for you to enjoy the tales and images that populate the African night and the imagination of those who gather around the fire.  

With each book you buy, you are purchasing two: one for you and one for an African girl or boy.  


Click here for more details: 

Logo de la serie negra mini
2nd Edition
PortadaYimulimu y el dragón
Cubierta CCOA.png

Exceptional books​

Special and extraordinary books. Books that cannot be found anywhere else, that do not fit in any other collection, books out of place. Inappropriate books that escape from any literary genre classification, books that bother, books out of place. Books that are necessary, books off the charts.

el viaje de prince cubierta.jpg

Books of the Baobab

In this collection, we will publish African authors in Spanish. The limited interest of the market for the letters of Africa drives us to carry out a project in which each subscriber makes an individual contribution and can be involved in its continuity.  

The only benefit of Books of the Baobab is precisely that the number of African voices translated into Spanish is expanded, in a society in need, more than ever, of other views on the world and the human being. The selection of works will be based on their quality, their importance in their respective countries and the interest of the subscribers.  ​ 

The collection is dedicated to Antonio Lozano (1956-2019).

Don't miss anything about this collection, here we tell you everything: 

Logo de Libros del Baobab
2nd Edition
Cubierta del libro Estoy solo
cubierta de CamaradaPapa
2nd Edition
3rd Edition
cubierta LE.jpg
cubierta ECH.jpg

Artefacts ​

In this collection, we will offer books in risky formats. Books that can also become a reversible artistic and educational object because their size and consistency allow it. 

Cubierta del mapa legendario de Gran Canaria
Cubierta del libro El principito ha vuelto
cubierta de "Si tuviera que escribrte"
Cubierta de El pollo kiriko
Imagen de Bella Dama
PORTADA copia ALTA.jpg

People tell stories too

This collection, which began by hosting the illustrated album award that we organised, is now expanded and will be the heading under which we publish special albums that represent invisible groups or situations that we do not want to look at or that we do not want to talk about: people with autism, war, homeless people...

Cubierta del libro La carrera
Cubierta de Hermanos en Siria
Cubierta del libro Hogar



Stories of people who are concealed, silenced, made invisible, unheard of, relegated to the private sphere, hidden behind the doors of their kitchens, who do not appear in history manuals but star in the pink press. Stories of people who give life, who nurture, who shelter, who take care of the most important things, the small ones. These are women's stories.​

2ª Edición
Cubierta de Cuentos Madrileños
cubierta del libro Navidades de Madrid

Fabrics that tell ​

Fabrics in Africa can tell stories. They use, like tales, the language of symbolism, of dreams. They cover the waist of women, transport the belongings of those who travel, or sleeping babies, and shelter the body of those who sleep. For this reason, we have chosen African fabric as the base for this collection which arises with the aim of supporting women's community work in Africa. In Kolda (Senegal) the women will sew the stories we hear in their community. Fabric stories that embrace the dreams of your favourite people.




logoTelas Contadas
Cubierta El niño que siempre perdía el bastón
cubierta de Macaco


This is not just another collection, it is a section where you can find those books that we have not edited directly as a publishing house, but in which we have collaborated in one way or another. Books with their own name that we believe are special and that is why we want to support them from our website.




cubierta del libro Yakar
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