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Lady Travellers of the Middle Ages


Lady Travelers of the Middle Ages proposes an itinerary through the lives of XXX women that traveled around the world in the Middle Ages.

Women have always traveled. Running away from the family circle of husbands, fathers or brothers has been one of the reasons for setting out on the road. Dressed as peregrines, they transited the paths to the Holy Land, to Rome or to Santiago. When they met, these female peregrines celebrated it. They traveled with such eagerness that some of them did not stop traveling even in death. This book is a tribute to all of these women, those whose names we know and the anonymous ones, but not for that less important. This book is a testimony that us women have always been on the road.

Written by Feliciano Novoa

Illustrated by Nono Granero 


Collection: Women

Size: 19 x 27cm

Pages: 96

Binding: Hardback

ISBN: 978-84-125007-3-8


(Price without VAT €24.52)


RRP €25.50



Book review. 

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Feliciano Novoa


Doctor in History by the Autónonous University of Madrid. Museum Technician of the Ministry of Culture. His research has been preferably dedicated to the world of Military Orders in the medieval era and to the study of the travels of that era. About both of these topics he has published monographic works, numerous articles and he has participated in various research projects.


Moreover, he extends his vocation for the medieval era to literature, and proof of that is the editorial he founded in 2016, La Umbría y la Solana.

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Nono Granero


Born in Úbeda (Jaén). Bachelor in Fine Arts (specialty in Painting) by the University of Granada, he soon oriented these studies to create links between narrative and plastic arts, developing his activity in different directions, but always around stories, both for a children’s and an adult’s audience.


Today, he is an oral narrator, illustrator and writer, and has published more than twenty books in Spain, France, Brasil, Canada and Denmark.

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