The Bride of the Sea
and other tales of the Arabian tribes
This book contains 60 short stories selected from the three books by CG Campbell: Tales from the Arab Tribes (tales from the Lower Euphrates), From Town and Tribe (tales from southern Iraq, from Muscat, Oman and Baluchistan) and Told in the Market Place (stories from Palestine, Libya, Oman and Iraq). The reviews that accompanied the appearance of the three books highlight the kinship with Arabian Nights. That is why we wanted to illustrate these stories with the engravings that illuminated the first editions of this work, whose success had a lot to do with the current exaltation of Arab culture, so linked to the cult of the exotic and the luxury of the European romantics.
This book is a necessary work, like all the compilations that contribute to preserving the memory of peoples and their enormous and important oral heritage, which will help us not to forget, in addition to the oral literature of the Arabian tribes, the magnificent work of the author himself, hardly known outside Great Britain but deserving of greater diffusion.
This work has received assitance in the form
of a grant from the Spanish Ministry of
Culture and Sports.
Written by C. G. Campbell
Cover of Jesús Gabán
Introduction by José Manuel de Prada Semper
Collection: Ancients tales
Size: 25 x 18cm
Pages: 355
Binding: Cardboard
ISBN: 978.84.949242.2.4
(Price without VAT €26.95)
RRP €28