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This song that we have wanted to bring to you as a fabric book is sung to the kids from Mozambique. It is sewn by people with albinism that go to the day centre which is managed by the Mercedarian Sisters of Maputo along with África Directo, who help them to fund part of their activities.


Mozambican traditional tale

Design by Claudia Pérez

Sewn by people with albinism from the Centro das Mercês in Maputo, Mozambique


Collection: Fabrics that tell

Size: 17x15cm

Pages: 4 

Binding: Fabric 

  I SBN: 978.84.123027.8.3

(Price without VAT €16.50)

RRP €15.87 

If you want to see how this Mozambican song is sung and told, here is this video:

Merces Center

In 2017, the Mercedarian Sisters and the NGO Africa Directo set up in Maputo, in the Matola neighbourhood, T3, a care centre for people with albinism, with the aim of improving the quality of life of these discriminated people, persecuted victims of skin cancer.


The open centre called Centro das Mercês has become a point of reference for people with albinism. It works above all in three fundamental lines:

  1. Prevention of skin cancer: education in care and access to means of protection

  2. Social integration: Awareness in society and empowerment of albino people. Training and access to employment. Articulation with associative network.

  3. Human Rights: fight against discrimination. Demand the government to assume its duties regarding albino people, to respect, protect, and promote their human rights.

Around this centre, albino people have formed a self-help and activism group, so that at the same time that they learn to take care of themselves, they have access to sun protection creams, regular eye check-ups and low vision glasses, they also meet to discuss issues about the discrimination they suffer and how to carry out tasks awareness raising and dissemination in their neighbourhoods.

In addition, the centre has a dermatology consultation and an infirmary, psychological and social assistance, training through continuous courses in computer science and sewing, which allows them to access jobs that do not require them to be outdoors exposed to the sun, and a professional who supports them in their job search.

* Since August 2021 in their sewing workshop they are making the fabric book for us: Macaque. With which a salary is obtained for those people who collaborate in the preparation of the book.

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