From the house that the Mercedarian Sisters have opened in Matola (Maputo), Peruka, the social worker who takes care of the albino people, sends us this Christmas photo to remind us that these people also yearn that the coming year will be auspicious for them.
As every year, Matola celebrates Family Day on 25th December, so they take the opportunity to gather around a table to eat and celebrate. It could be said that the essence of this day is the same for them as it is for us who are many kilometres away.

On our side, this spring we will publish the stories that we collected in September in Matola, Maputo and Boane from the albino people and that we illustrated with the albino children of Mozambique: Los cuentos del conejo, y otros cuentos de la gente albina de Mozambique (The Rabbit tales, and other stories from the albino people of Mozambique). With this book we want to show that albino people are not spirits because they tell the same stories as any other child in Mozambique. We hope that this year the kidnapping and mutilation of albino people will end. This is our wish for the new year.