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From Cocoa to Chocolate

(Myths and Stories)

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Everything comes from transhumance and cultural miscegenation, including cocoa. History and stories get blended within this ingredient, the bitter with the sweet, the hot drink with the candy, the pre-Columbian culture with the European and the African ones, and anecdotes with myths and legends. Its journey throughout the centuries will be characterized by a constant transformation that will culminate in the appearance of chocolate as we know it today. Therefore, From Cocoa to Chocolate is not only about childhood sweet par excellence: talking about chocolate also necessarily implies showcasing the slow and complex changes that have been taking place in the world throughout history. Truly an adventure worth being told.

"A delicious adventure through time and geography, filled (never better said) with myths, legends, stories and anecdotes." - AISGE

This book has been made in collaboration with the City Council of Pinto.

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Written by Charo Pita

Illustrated by Fernando Vázquez

Collection: Cravings

Size: 27x20cm

Pages: xx 

Binding: Cardboard

ISBN: 978.84.125007.2.1

  (Price without VAT €18.75)

RRP €19.50 


Radio interview: RTVE

Interview with Charo Pita on February 12 in the program "España Rural".  (From minute 10:23 to 16:50). 

Radio interview: Gardens in your pockets

Review by Ana Rossetti of 22 July 2023. 

Review of the AISGE Foundation

Wonderful review in "Leer sienta de cine" of the AISGE Foundation. 

Blog review at La orilla de las letras 

Review bt Cristina Monteoliva at La orilla de las letras' blog

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Charo Pita

Charo Pita

Narrator, actress and writer, a lover of the word in all its possibilities, she has won some literary prizes and has published children's books translated into several languages. Illustrated albums such as: Who Can Beat the Wind? ed. OQO; We will not see, ed. Galaxy; The Street of the Pout, ed. OQO; Old Ladies, ed. OQO; Magic, ed. OQO; Or Arco da Vella, Xerais Editions; Thank You! ed. The Fragatina; Someone from Somewhere, ed. brosquil; and Igor, ed. Kalandraka. Collections of stories for adults such as In the Shadow of the Tale, ed. Words of the Lamp. Poetry books like From Arcadia to Govinda, Ed. Spiral Major. Also articles about oral narration and literary creation in specialized magazines.

As a narrator, for 20 years she has been travelling throughout the peninsular geography and Europe, alone or accompanied, telling stories of both oral tradition and her creation.

With Libros de las Malas Compañías she has also published the following titles:

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Fernando Vázquez 

He was born in Buenos Aires (from where he learned to look towards Europe) and currently lives in Madrid (from where he learned to look towards America). After working for a few years in graphic design, he decided to dedicate himself to what he liked the most: illustration and animation. As an illustrator, he works in the publishing field and poster design, collaborating with studios and advertising agencies, while developing projects independently. As an animator, his work focuses on social networks, video clips, explainer videos and children's and young adults' theatre. Some of his animation projects have been selected at international festivals: in 2015, he received the First Prize in the Rome Web Fest Nibiru Contest, and in 2018, he was awarded the Irudika residency scholarship. In 2019, he received the First Prize in the Ibero-America Ilustra Contest; in 2020, the APIM Prize for Illustration in the Animation category; and in 2021, a Special Mention of the Jury in the International Illustrated Album Contest of the Library of Gran Canaria. He has published the illustrated album “A Jungle Book”. This year, his illustrations will be presented at the Frankfurt Book Fair representing Spain in the collective exhibition "Illustration, a Visual Literature". He currently combines his work as an illustrator and animator with teaching in the field of audiovisual design. He also plays soccer with his son, cooks delicious things and waters the plants on his balcony.

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