Sustainable Development Goals
The UN approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015 as an opportunity for countries and their societies to embark on a new path to improve everyone's life, leaving no one behind. The agenda has 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which include the eradication of poverty, fighting against climate change, education, women's equality, the defence of the environment and the design of our cities, among others.
Daily, we are working on the following goals through the actions that we specify below:

Encouraging and helping in the collection of book donations for the Oussouye Library and sewing machines for the Mercedarias de Maputo workshop.

Collaborating and promoting alliances in associations such as Vecinos del Barrio de Maravillas, where we collaborate with the neighbourhood food bank with the sale of Stamps of the Virgen de las Maravillas.

Collaborating with the Mercedarias de Maputo and Africa Directo, in the programs they have in Mozambique to help the albino population prevent skin cancer and mitigate their vision and mobility problems.

Financially supporting the literacy workshops that take place in the Oussouye Library for the women of the town.
Providing this library with books and conducting workshops to encourage reading in it.

Dedicating a large part of our projects to women, to compensate for the initial lack they have, especially in access to education, in literacy workshops in Senegal and signifying them in our book Tales of the Hedgehog and other stories of the Saharan women.

Placing special importance on recycling in all processes of publishing, printing and distribution of books, on the proper use of water and the correct management of the elimination of spills of chemical substances, such as inks.

Making sustainable use of our energy resources and using renewable energies is a priority.

Encouraging our own jobs to be of quality, and not for that reason economic growth is less.
Not collaborating with companies or societies that do not promote equal opportunities or in which we know that they treat their employees badly.

Through projects, such as the one in which we collaborate at the Teba Diatta Library in Oussouye, Senegal and the occupational workshop of the Mercedarias in Maputo, Mozambique, helping to acquire computers and promoting access to technology.

Using a local of the San Martín de Porres Foundation, which collaborates with homeless people, as a warehouse for our books, we promote the accessibility of this population to labour and social reintegration.
Collaborating with the said organization in the creation of our next book Without Direction, thanks to which the homeless people will have a voice and will be able to feel more included and meant.

Favouring internal trade, printing our books in a printing house in Madrid.

Our books are printed on 100% paper from forests managed according to sustainability criteria, which do not deforest the Amazon rainforest, we try to use reams as much as possible so as not to waste paper, and books with any defects are never destroyed, but rather paid off or given away.

Promoting every action that is in our power and favours the reduction of climate change such as the use of electric rental cars or public transport and the majority distribution through the Post Office.

By promoting the correct management of waste derived from the printing press and not printing in China, we save the maritime transport that this entails.

Our books are printed on 100% paper from forests managed according to sustainability criteria, which do not deforest the Amazon rainforest.

Through books such as Tales of the Hedgehog and other stories of the Saharan women, The Rabit tales and other stories of the albinos of Mozambique or Brothers in Syria we want to make visible the thousands of people who are trapped in refugee camps, people who live precariously, people who because of their condition are kidnapped, mutilated and raped daily and people who live in war. By giving voice to these people, we make visible the problem that exists and we fight so that their situation is regularized and they can live in peace, as any human being deserves.

All our work is based on alliances with external collaborators: The Mercedarian Sister of Maputo, the volunteers from Oussouye, the NGO Zerca y Lejos, the San Martin de Porres Foundation, ALBA- albino aid association, the Bubisher of the Saharan camps, and all the people - friends who accompany us on a daily basis.