Did you know that on 10th October it is celebrated the World Homeless Day?
It is a date that aims to raise awareness about people who have no home to live in or who live in subhuman and unhealthy housing conditions in several places of the world and the discrimination they suffer because of their condition.
This social phenomenon is known as homelessness and refers to people who do not have a home to live in and are forced to live in the open air or in shelters. This may be due to a breakdown of family and social ties, as well as not having a job with a fixed or stable income.
From Libros de las Malas Compañías, want to give this day the importance it deserves and make visible the whole world of homelessness, which goes unnoticed by most people, who do not see, or do not want to see, this very serious problem in our society.
Do you know how many people are homeless in Spain and have to live in shelters or on the street? But the question is not how many people live on the street, but why. Think about it; the data will surely surprise you.
According to the INE (from the Spanish Instituto Nacional de Estadística), there are currently 28,552 homeless people in Spain, although this number could rise to 37,000, according to data from the NGO Hogar Sí. The main reasons why this part of our population is homeless are mainly due to the fact of having migrated and having had to start life from scratch, the loss of their job and eviction from their home. And all this without counting people who, even though they have a home, lack decent housing and are at risk of exclusion (26% of Spaniards, that is, some 12 million, according to the INE).
That is why in our publishing house we want to give visibility to groups that have been, and still are, invisible, or situations that people do not want to look at or talk about: people with autism, the war, homeless people... All this is published in our collection "La gente también cuenta", where the book “Hogar” is published, an illustrated album that tells the reality of many people who, at some point in their lives, for some reason, lost their home.