Tales from Madrid

Tales from Madrid by Emilia Pardo Bazán has an undeniable main character: the city of Madrid. Here take place thhese fourteen stories that are included in this volume. Puerta del Sol, Paseo de Recoletos, El Retiro, Atocha Street or Toledo Street are some of the places where these Madrilenians who have been so masterfully portrayed by Mrs Emilia Pardo Bazán live, struggle and survive. A woman who knew how to reflect so well the desperation of poverty and the tricks of roguery. A woman who loved and suffered Madrid, this city where she suffered from envy but where she also found fame.

Written by Emilia Pardo Bazán
Selection and prologue by Anna Rossetti
Collection: Women
Size: 12x17cm
Pages: 112
Binding: Cardboard
ISBN: 978.84.123027.4.5
(Price without VAT €16.83)
RRP €17.50
Emilia Pardo Bazan
(La Coruña, 1851 - Madrid, 1921), the Countess of Pardo Bazán wrote literary criticism, essays, biographies, articles and fiction (theatre, poetry and novels). She was a translator and editor of the magazine Nuevo Teatro Critico, a professor of Neo-Latin languages and a Spanish lecturer. A forerunner in her ideas about women's rights and feminism, she was the first woman to speak in public at La Soborna and the first appointed President of the Ateneo's Literature Section.